Landscape in a Convex Mirror
Curator: Mihnea Mircan
Opening day: Friday, October 1, 2:00 pm
Tue–Sun, 11:00 am–7:00 pm
Rosa Barba
Erik Bünger
Alexander Carver
Traian Cherecheș
Sara Culmann
Dušica Dražić
Sári Ember
Alice Gancevici & Remus Pușcariu
Adela Giurgiu
Fabien Giraud & Raphaël Siboni
Femke Herregraven
Gert Jan Kocken
Florence Jung
Hiwa K
Zsófia Keresztes
Szabolcs KissPál
Oliver Laric
Magdalena Łazarczyk
Gili Mocanu
Jean-Luc Moulène
Robertas Narkus
Miklós Onucsan
Manuel Pelmuș
Joanna Piotrowska
Laure Prouvost
Ana Prvački
Flaviu Rogojan
Daniel Steegmann Mangrané
Saul Steinberg
Hito Steyerl
Remco Torenbosch
Achraf Touloub
Julijonas Urbonas
Lonnie van Brummelen & Siebren de Haan
Jonathan van Doornum
Bernard Voïta
Phillip Warnell
“The exhibition brings together forms and figures – elongated, compressed or distorted, blurred or vertiginous – of distance, perspectival axes redrawn around elusive objects or mobile targets, crash zooms and panoramas, editing these into telescopic relations to one another, into a syntax of blow-ups and blindspots. Indirectly, and perhaps allegorically, a dynamic grid of viewpoints and vanishing points, charting the trajectory of a figure that falls or drifts in a perpetually disturbed rapport to its ground, might correspond to another network of widening gaps and fractured societal tethers, immunological barriers and toxic confinements.” (Mihnea Mircan)