Frans Krajcberg
Born in Poland in a Jewish family who suffered WW II extermination, Frans Krajcberg (1921-2017) is one of the most famous Brazilian artists of the XX century. His early conscience of environment issues makes him a precursor of a contemporary artistic movement questioning the Anthropocene. Sculptor, painter, photographer, he has put all his art at the service of Nature, in order to bring about a movement that « mobilizes the expression of a global consciousness ».
The works of Frans Krajcberg are both a call of alarm and hope.
His sculptures are made from wood “rescued” from the fires of the Amazon rainforest, bouquets of intertwined creepers, polychrome trunks or quartz ore…His paintings are imprints taken directly from the surrounding nature (sand, rocks …), enhanced with natural pigments. Frans Krajcberg plays with the shadow and light of his sculptures that he loved to rework according to the seasons.
His work seems to pursue an endless quest: to resurrect the dead nature.
Frans Krajcberg, Red Revolts (totems), burnt wood from deforestation and natural pigments, 1980s. Courtesy of Espace Frans Krajcberg, Paris, www.espacekrajcberg.fr