Peter Jecza
Peter Jecza (b.1939, Sf.Gheorghe, d. 2009, Timisoara) was a prominent Romanian sculptor. He was a professor of sculpture at the Faculty of Arts of the West University of Timișoara and a member of the Hungarian Academy.
Peter Jecza has widely exhibited his works in Italy, Yugoslavia, Germany, Spain, ex-URSS, Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Greece, Syria, Sweden, Brazil, Jordan, Iraq, ex-Czechoslovakia, Hungary, France, SUA, Denmark, Norway, Holland.
Selected solo exhibitions: Lesson about imperfection (Lectia despre Imperfectiune) at Art Museum Craiova (2017) and ”Palatele Brâncovenești” Museum Bucharest (2017), Galerie Diehl Berlin (2016).
International group shows include: Biennial of Art Venice / Italy; Biennial of Sculpture Barcelona / Spain; Biennial „Dante“ Ravenna / Italy; Biennial of Concrete Art Ljubljana / Slovenia; Quadrennial of Sculpture Riga / Lithuania; Exhibitions of RBK Group Wuppertal / Germany; International Exhibition of Small Sculpture Milan / Italy; International Exhibitions in Baukunst Gallery Köln /Germany.
He made a series of monumental works in Romania: Arad, Arcuş, Belini, Buziaş, Covasna, Caransebeş, Dalnoc, Dumbrăviţa, Lugoj, Orşova, Sf.Gheorghe, Sânnicolaul Mare, Pecica, Timişoara and in Germany: Bad Salzuflen, Stuttgart.
His work are part of several public collections, such as: National Museum of Art Bucharest; Museum of Banat County Timişoara; Museum of Visual Art Galaţi; County Museum Sf. Gheorghe; Museum of Art Tg. Jiu; County Museum Satu-Mare; Röderhaus Museum Wuppertal, Germany; Museum of Concrete Art Ingolstad, Germanyt; Art Museum Brasil, Brazil.
Prizes: Prize ”Opera Omnia” from the Romanian Union of Artists; Prize „For Merit” 2000; Gold Medal Biennial „Dante” Ravenna / Italia 1985; Prize „Dr. Ludwig Lindner” Wuppertal / Germany 1975.
Jecza Gallery –
Peter Jecza, Cub îmbrățișat II, 2001, Bronze, 18 x 18 x 18 cm. Courtesy of the Jecza Collection.