Oasis. Green Identity – Avanpost Group Exhibition

The exhibition Oasis. Green Identity problematizes the relationship between the anthropic and the natural environment, the accelerated urbanization and the deepening of the imbalance between the built-up areas and the green spaces inside the cities. Through the presence of artists working with space, objects and new media technologies, as well as environmental activists, the exhibition includes coherent discourses in relation to the place and situation in which the conceptual and material structures manifest, starting from the incipient history of urbanism Timisoara in the Resort of Young Naturalists and reach the crisis that contemporary society is going through.
Curator Maria Orosan-Telea
Avantpost Group / Aura Bălănescu, Ciprian Chirileanu, Cosmin Haiaș, 13m10j, Livia Mateiaș, Liliana Mercioiu Popa, Sorin Oncu, Renée Renard, Petrică Ștefan, Bogdan Tomșa, Miki Velciov. Artiști invitați: Platforma MQ18 Kunstplatz München (co-curator Narcisa Fluturel) / Andreas Bohnenstengel, Massimo Fiorito, Patricia Lincke și Colectivul Invisible Flock Leeds (co-curator Catherine Baxendale).
This exhibition will take place between September 17 – October 17, 2021 at Young Naturalists Resort, Rozelor Street no. 4, Timisoara
— 17 September (18:00 – 20:00)
18:00 Opening of the exhibition / Curator Maria Orosan-Telea
— 18-19 September / Picnic and Art Weekend at the Young Naturalists Resort
— 18 September (10:00 – 19:00)
15:00 Guided tour / Maria Orosan-Telea
17:00 Presentation of the Platform MQ18 Kunstplatz München / Co-curator Narcisa Fluturel
— 19 September (10:00 – 19:00)
15:00 Guided tour / Maria Orosan-Telea
17:00 Presentation of the Collective Invisible Flock Leeds / Artist Talks
— 24–26 September: Picnic and Art Weekend at the Young Naturalists Resort
— 24 September (10:00 – 19:00)
17:00 Guided tour / Maria Orosan-Telea
— 25 September (10:00 – 19:00)
15:00 Guided tour / Maria Orosan-Telea
17:00 Artist Walk / Marius Jurca
— 26 September (10:00 – 19:00)
15:00 Guided tour / Maria Orosan-Telea
17:00 Artist Walk / Renée Renard and Ciprian Chirileanu
— 1-3 October: Picnic and Art Weekend at the Young Naturalists Resort
— 1 October (10:00-19:00)
17:00 Guided tour / Maria Orosan-Telea
— 2 October (10:00 – 19:00)
15:00 Guided tour / Maria Orosan-Telea
17:00 Artist Walk / Bogdan Tomșa
— 3 October (10:00 – 19:00)
15:00 Guided tour / Maria Orosan-Telea
17:00 Artist Walk / Petrică Ștefan
— 8-10 October: Picnic and Art Weekend at the Young Naturalists Resort
— 8 October (10:00-19:00)
17:00 Guided tour / Maria Orosan-Telea
— 9 October (10:00 – 19:00)
10:00 Workshop / Aura Bălănescu
15:00 Guided tour / Maria Orosan-Telea
17:00 Artist Walk / Cosmin Haiaș
— 10 October (10:00 – 19:00)
10:00 Workshop / Aura Bălănescu
15:00 Guided tour / Maria Orosan-Telea
17:00 Artist Walk / Liliana Mercioiu Popa
— 15-17 October: Picnic and Art Weekend at the Young Naturalists Resort
— 15 October (10:00-19:00)
17:00 Guided tour / Maria Orosan-Telea
— 16 October (10:00 – 19:00)
10:00 Workshop Miki Velciov
15:00 Guided tour / Maria Orosan-Telea
17:00 Dinner Talk / Raluca Rusu and Alex Ciobotă (Studio Peisaj)
— 17 October (10:00 – 19:00)
10:00 Workshop Miki Velciov
15:00 Guided tour / Maria Orosan-Telea
17:00 Artist Walk / Livia Mateiaș
The exhibition can be visited from Tuesday to Thursday in guided tours based on programming.
Project co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration. The project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the program can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.
Cultural project included in the priority cultural program TM2023 RESTART of the Project Center of Timișoara Municipality, realized with the support of Timișoara City Hall and Timișoara Local Council. The cultural project does not necessarily represent the position of the Timișoara City Hall and the Timișoara Local Council. The content of the cultural project and how its results can be used are the sole responsibility of the authors and the beneficiary of the funding. Timișoara City Hall and Timișoara Local Council are not responsible for the content of the material and how it could be used.