Mihnea Mircan is a curator, writer and PhD candidate at the Monash University, Melbourne. He was the artistic director of Extra City Kunsthal, Antwerpen, between 2011-2015 and he curated numerous exhibitions at prestigious art institutions, such as Le Pavillon – Palais de Tokyo, Stroom Den Haag, MUSEION, Bolzano, Fondation Ricard Paris. Mihnea Mircan is an author and editor of books and exhibitions catalogues, among which the monographic survey of Miklos Onucsan, and a regular contributor to international art publications, such as Afterall, Mousse and Manifesta Journal.

Kasia Redzisz is an art historian and Senior Curator at Tate Liverpool. Since 2015 she curated touring retrospectives of Maria Lassnig, Francis Bacon and Edward Krasiński as well as new commissions by artists such as Ugo Rondinone, Judy Chicago (both in public space) and Sol Calero (forthcoming). Kasia Redzisz is an author of books and essays on contemporary art. She edited and contributed to numerous catalogues and published critical texts in magazines such as Frieze and Tate etc.

Bogdan Ghiu is a poet and writer, one of the main members of Generation 80 and of the former Cenaclul de Luni (Monday Cenacle, some of the most important literary movements and, respectively, literary groups of Eastern Europe in the last decade of the communist regime). Multilaterally, he writes and publishes poetry, essays (on literature, philosophy, media, contemporary art, architecture, translation theory and pedagogy, politics) and translations (over 70) of French philosophy and literature (Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, Bourdieu, Latour, Baudrillard, Guattari, Rancière, Bataille, Bergson, Weil, Veyne, Barthes, Baudelaire, Artaud, Breton, Leiris, Duras, Sade, Sansal, Nothomb etc.). In 2011, together with the curators Maria Rus Bojan and Ami Barak, he represented Romania at the Venice Biennale, and since 2011 he has been the general curator of the Bucharest triennial of architecture East Centric. His most recent books are the volumes of poetry Strîngerea armelor (Metoda) (”Gathering Arms (The Method)”, 2021) and Cu Orice e posibil (”With Anything (Is) Possible”, 2019), and the essays Pandemiocrația (”Pandemiocracy”, 2020), Totul trebuie tradus. Noua paradigmă (un manifest) (”Everything Must Be Translated. The New Paradigm (a Manifesto)”, 2015) and Linia de producție: lucrând cu arta (”The Production Line: Working with Art”, 2014). He worked in relation to important visual artists (such as Thomas Hirschhorn, Daniel Knorr, Victor Man, Miklós Onucsán, etc.).

Maria Rus Bojan is a Romanian art critic and independent curator living and working in Amsterdam. During her 30 year career, Maria Rus Bojan organized international projects including seminal figures of the Romanian art scene, such as Ana Lupaș, Cornel Brudașcu, Ion Grigorescu, Paul Neagu, as well as contributing to the debut of today’s most succesful artists from the new generation including Victor Man, Adrian Ghenie, Ciprian Muresan and Alin Bozbiciu. Her long-term collaboration with German artist Ulay (1943-2020) led to the publication of the authoritative monograph „Whispers”, which was awarded the AICA Netherlands Prize in 2015. She curated Ulay’s first international retrospective at Centro Parraga Murcia, 2005 and contributed as an expert to the recent retrospectives at Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, 2016, and the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 2020. Maria Rus Bojan has been a co-curator of Performing History, the Romanian Pavilion at the Venice Biennial in 2011. Between 2017-2020 she has curated three retrospective exhibitions and was editor of several publications dedicated to the renowned Polish artist Magdalena Abakanowicz.Maria Rus Bojan is chairman of the European ArtEast Foundation, and since 2008 she runs MB Art Agency, a platform for curatorial projects and artistic consultancy dedicated to Eastern European art.