Courtesy of Galeria Catinca Tabacaru
Project co-created by galleries:
Catinca Tabacaru + Ivan + Plan B + Sandwich + Sector 1 + Suprainfinit
VIDEO+RADIO+LIVE brings together for the first time six Romanian contemporary art galleries – Catinca Tabacaru, Ivan, Plan B, Sandwich, Sector 1, and Suprainfinit, for a performance-based collaborative project presented as part of the official program of the Art Encounters Biennial 2021. The project presents an exhibition of three live performances and seven video-performance works mounted at Casa Artelor, Timisoara between October 1-31, 2021. The exhibition includes a roundtable discussion on the status and evolution of performance art in the current global context. The ten performances will be narrated in real time by the writer Bogdan Ghiu and broadcast on the radio and online. By exposing the public to this hybrid communication, VIDEO + RADIO + LIVE offers a vision of art that can coexist and adapt to the geographical, social and political boundaries of the current moment, encouraging the creation of community through culture, and open dialogue between audience, organizers and guests.
Video-performance: Silvia Amancei + Bogdan Armanu (Romania), Alexandru Antik (Romania), Arantxa Etcheverria (Romania), Rachel Monosov (Russia), Navid Nuur + Adrian Ghenie (Iran, Romania), Daniela Pălimariu (Romania), Mădălina Zaharia + Ryan Ormonde (Romania, UK)
Live performance: Apparatus 22 (Romania), Sanja Latinovic (Serbia), Catinca Malaimare (Romania)
The exhibition VIDEO+RADIO+LIVE will take place at Casa Artelor, Timișoara, October 1-31.
Performance schedule:
Oct 1
2-7pm Opening Reception of VIDEO+RADIO+LIVE
2-7pm Apparatus 22: durational live performance
6-7pm Catinca Malaimare: live performance
6pm Sanja Latinovic: performance broadcast live from Belgrad
10pm-1am DJ PARTY
Oct 2
10am-7pm VIDEO+RADIO+LIVE public hours
2-7pm Apparatus 22: durational live performance
6-7pm Catinca Malaimare: live performance
6pm Sanja Latinovic: performance broadcast live from Belgrad
Oct 3
10am-7pm VIDEO+RADIO+LIVE public hours
10am-7pm Apparatus 22: ongoing live performance
1-2pm Roundtable Discussion
3 pm live performance by Catinca Malaimare
6-7pm Catinca Malaimare: live performance
6pm Sanja Latinovic: performance broadcast live from Belgrad
OCT 4-31:
Tues – Sun 11am-6pm
AFCN, Primăria Municipiului Timișoara, Art Encounters, Casa Artelor
Project realized with the support of the Timişoara City Hall and the Timişoara Local Council. The project does not necessarily represent the position of the Timişoara City Hall and of the Timişoara Local Council. The content of the project as well as the manner in which the results of the project may be used are the sole responsibility of the authors and the beneficiary of the funding. Timişoara City Hall and Timişoara Local Council are not responsible for the content of the material and how it may be used.
The project is co-funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. The project does not necessarily represent the position of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. The AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or the manner in which the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the funding recipient.