Sophie Calle
Sophie Calle (b. 1953, Paris, France) is a French artist who has exhibited extensively throughout the world since the late 1970s. Variously described as a conceptual artist, a photographer, a movie director, and even a detective, she has developed a practice that is instantly recognizable for its distinct narrative elements and frequent combination of images with text. Each of her projects can be seen as a chapter in a vast overall volume of references and echoes, in which Calle often blurs the boundaries between the intimate and the public, reality and fiction, art and life. Her work methodically orchestrates an unveiling of reality—her own and that of others—while allocating a controlled part of this reality to chance.
Sophie Calle, Voyage en Californie, 2003, black and white photograph, 120 x 170 cm, Courtesy the artist, Ekard Collection and Perrotin Gallery Paris